Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is the buck I caught a glimpse of from the tree stand the other night. I was hoping to catch him on camera. He has some extra junk coming off the base. More pictures of him and the other large buck coming to my corn in the gallery.


Anonymous said...

still fighting buck fever munk ?

webmaster said...

Only when I see a shooter. I can handle the dinks. You must be from Elk County?

Anonymous said...

Ya you could say that. Ever shot a bucks horn off??

webmaster said...

I've seen it killed it dead as a hammer. Ever see a deer stand up on a fender well after its been shot twice. You ever drink some Mad Dog 20/20 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Ive heard of stuff like that!!
Ever wrecked your truck in front of the Q mart in broad daylight and drove off??

webmaster said...

I know its a good way to get a new bumper on your rig. Ever drove your buddies truck off into a pond and dropped the tranny?

Anonymous said...

Not a real buddy"s truck lol