Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brian Johnson Sends In Fieldcam Pics

More pics in photo gallery!

Casey Gamble Gets A Return Visit

Casey's story -

As many of you remember, I had 3 very nice bucks on trail camera last year. Well, one I harvested, a nice 10pt. One I found dead while shed hunting, 14 pt that scored 188 5/8 and another nice 14 pt. Well, the other one escaped me with the exception of leaving one shed antler in my path and I have looked at it at least once almost everyday since the day I found it.
Now I have recaptured this bruiser on one of my trail cameras. Second week out, 118 pics, 59 of this buck. Hope you all enjoy!

For more pictures, please check out our photo gallery!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Ok, I just sat my camera out for 6 days and already have some results. Here's a sample of what's walking the woods in Cowley County. Send us your pictures, and we'll get them on.